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The multifaceted dimensions of development of the autonomy plan presented by Morocco to resolve the artificial dispute created around the territorial integrity of the Kingdom, were highlighted during an international symposium organized Friday in Seoul, capital of the Republic from Korea.

During this meeting, marked by the participation of ambassadors representing different countries, researchers and representatives of renowned Korean think tanks, emphasis was placed on the Moroccan plan as a successful model in the field whose preeminence is consecrated in successive resolutions of the UN Security Council. A pre-eminence which continues to be consolidated on the political and diplomatic levels thanks to broad international support.
Placed under the theme "autonomy as a relay of development, comparative approach", the symposium was an opportunity to shed light on the Moroccan autonomy plan and autonomy in the South Korean province of Jeju , as edifying models, allowing these two regions, one in Asia and the other in Africa, to reach remarkable levels of development while consolidating regional peace and stability.

The meeting was also an opportunity to warn against the unfathomable risks of separatism and balkanization as factors which give rise to chaos and sedition and run counter to the legitimate aspirations of populations, wherever they may be to development and progress.

Speaking at the symposium, the Moroccan Ambassador to the Republic of Korea, Chafik Rachadi, recalled the Beia links which have always existed between the Moroccan Sovereigns and the Sahrawi tribes.

He stressed that the Moroccan autonomy plan, presented in 2007, established itself not only as a basis for peace, but also as a launching pad having positioned the southern provinces of the Kingdom on a virtuous development trajectory in all areas.

Thanks to this plan, the southern provinces have transformed themselves to become a real economic hub and an area of cooperation and geopolitical stability and shared prosperity, said Mr. Rachadi, noting that the level of development reached by the provinces of the south reinforces the attractiveness of the region in the eyes of national and international investors.

Politically speaking, these provinces record the highest participation rate during the various electoral consultations organized in the Kingdom, as noted by international observers who follow the elections in Morocco, noted the diplomat.

Dr. Kwaak Young Hoon, president of the United Nations Association in the Republic of Korea, examined the principles of autonomy and self-determination.

He immediately wanted to emphasize that experience has shown that referendum options "are no longer a priority" in this area "in view of their harmful political and security consequences on the populations concerned, unlike negotiated political solutions which have a positive impact on national and regional integration and stability.

Dr. Kwaak also highlighted autonomy "as a mechanism to protect state sovereignty." He noted that "several geopolitical factors that have marked international relations since the end of the Cold War have pushed the option of autonomy in front of democratic mechanisms for the resolution of conflicts while respecting the territorial integrity and sovereignty of States especially since this option encompasses the concept of self-determination.

He, on the other hand, warned against the consequences of "external self-determination", which could, he said, "plunge the world into complicated situations, without forgetting the incapacity of entities born from these models to guarantee a satisfactory level of well-being for populations.

“The wisdom of the international community dictates that the right to self-determination must not be misinterpreted in such a way as to undermine the territorial integrity of States, which remains a fundamental principle if not the founding principle of international law,” he said. he insisted.

For her part, Yoowon Kim, a researcher at the Institute of African Studies in Seoul, stressed that separatism "poses serious threats to the stability and security of countries as well as their development prospects."

The researcher noted that separatism leads to social unrest and terrorism and “thrives, in the majority of cases, under the impetus of external support”.

“To motivate supporters and mobilize financial resources, separatists always resort to external support,” Ms. Kim said, stressing that autonomy remains the most appropriate strategy to serve peace and stability.

For his part, Abdellah Achach, researcher in international law, reviewed the different distinctive elements of the Moroccan autonomy plan, as well as the foundations which have made this plan benefit from such broad support from the international community.

He emphasized the various economic opportunities currently offered by the Moroccan Sahara, noting that the efforts made, under the leadership of HM King Mohammed VI, to stimulate all-out development across the entire national territory, including the southern provinces, positions this part of the Kingdom as a gateway in particular between Morocco and Europe via the Atlantic Ocean, Morocco and sub-Saharan Africa.

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